up at dawm

I have been making a great effort to wake up early for the past 6 months.

Many were surprised to read my daily routine! I have to admit that I am not a naturally early riser but I learned to become one. Why? Mainly because I felt I lacked time to advance all my projects in a day.

Before deciding to wake up at 5 am, I woke up to the sound of my toddler calling my name. Back then he woke up by 7:15.  I would head downstairs with him and try to make breakfast while he was clinging on to me (yeah he his very needy in the morning!). After breakfast we played together for 20min before getting dressed and getting him to day care at 9am. Then I would come back home and workout for an hour.

By the time my work day at started it was already 10:30 clock and I was ravenous after my workout which meant making a snack… While talking about the structure of my day to my business mentor she asked me a question that changed my life. She said “Is this thing you are doing a hobby or do you want to make a living out of this?” I mentioned that I wanted to make a living out of it so she advised me to have a more structured day.

She even sent me this video:

I love Brendon Buchard, he is a no non sense, straight forward and inspiring man!

I saw the value of waking up early and having a specific purpose each day. So I set my alarm for 5am.

It was hard to get out of bed, specially that I started this in winter which meant it was still dark outside. I motivated myself with the goals that I want to reach for the business and for myself.

Now by the time my son wakes up, I’ve had my workout, prayed, showered, made breakfast. We get to cuddle with no distractions! By the time he is at day care, I am ready to rule the world!

Here are some tricks I found online if you are having trouble waking up early:

  1. Put the coffee maker on your night table and set it for your desired wake-up time. There is nothing better then waking up to the smell of fresh coffee!
  2. Sleep early!
  3. No matter what happens don’t hit the snooze button!
  4. Gradually adjust your wake time by 10min increments every day


I’m curious, at what time do you wake up?

