2 years ago I registered Sandra Best Décor as a business.

After graduating from college and unable to find the right fit for me in the corporate world, I decided to create my dream job on a whim in november 2014.

This blog was launched shortly after in January 2015 with an article titled Facing the Fears!

Here I am 2 years later!

Having a business has brought out the best in me! It pushes me to put myself in uncomfortable situations, it allows me to learn constantly, to meet amazing people that I collaborate with.

2 years later I can still say I find it challenging to build my clientele. In the world of design, you constantly have to do prospecting because once you do someone’s house, you typically don’t have to redesign it for at least 10 years! The competition out there is fierce, there are many talented designers out there! So the challenge is very real!

This year I had the opportunity to take a business class and to learn how to write a business plan. It opened my eyes and allowed me to make some changes.


Since the beginning of 2016, Sandra Best Decor has slowly put Home staging in the forefront. I realized that my first love has always been staging and I like that projects don’t take more then 3 weeks to be completed.

Since my target client has evolved, so has my company image… You may have noticed my new website this year and a new logo!

In terms of blogging I have been committed to writing 5 posts a week, but the readership is just not there. I know blogging is extremely difficult, as again there are many blogs out there. But also People (you) don’t like to read long articles anymore, rather people are into social media like Instagram and Facebook. So I have decided to spend less energy blogging and be more active on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. From now on I’ll be posting once a week or when there are special occasions.

I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to do what I love and I am grateful to those of you who follow along and cheer me or allow me to come into your homes to transform them.

I’m raising a glass to many more years of facing fears and bringing out the best!


The ever changing logo!




